WaterAid Dragon Boat Race

WaterAid Dragon Boat Race



  • Event date Thu 6th Jul 2023 12:00
  • Location South Dock
    E14 9RZ
    United Kingdom
  • About

Thursday 6th July 2023

This summer we'll be taking over Canary Wharf's South Dock for a fun-filled, fast-paced day on the water!

Based on a Chinese tradition dating back over 2,000 years, dragon boat racing is one of the fastest-growing and most popular corporate sports in the UK today. Teams will take to the water on Thursday 6th July in a series of races to determine which team will be crowned the 2023 champions of Canary Wharf.

We'll also be awarding first, second and third place prizes for the best fundraising team, as well as a special prize for the best dressed crew – team outfits are strongly encouraged!

The afternoon includes lunch, and in the evening we'll move to a nearby venue for the post-event reception, including a celebratory drink for all participants.

Fundraising for WaterAid

It's easy for us to take water for granted – whether we're drinking it, washing with it, or even racing dragon boats on it! But right now, 771 million people around the world – that's 1 in 10 of us – don't have clean water close to home.

Whole communities are held back: children miss out on education, people struggle to earn a decent living, and families are often ill. By fundraising with your team, you can help us work with more communities to ensure people have a reliable supply of clean water – and with it, the opportunity to thrive.